Our Process


Research & Discovery

Our understanding of your business and its objectives is essential to achieving your project's goals. It is beneficial for us to get to know you and you to understand us and how together we can bring your ideas into reality. By the end of this phase an initial estimated quote is generated. Estimates are not a final, rather they serve as a point of reference as we move into the scope and requirements phase.


Scope & Requirements

The scope and requirements phase is one of the most important periods in your project's life cycle. By the end of this phase a scope document will be created and we have found that it is imperative that this be a collaborative effort. The scope document is broken into two sections, specifications and use-cases. Specifications include everything needed to build your system and use-cases illustrate how the system should function and exactly what the developer needs to create for the functionality.


Development Sprints

At MarketFuel we follow the Agile development process. Our sprints are traditionally 2 weeks in length and the estimated number of sprints that your project requires will be outlined in a statement of work prior to development commencing. As each sprint is completed a report is provided that outlines what was completed and what will be prioritized during the next sprint. If any adjustments are required they are accounted for and timelines adjusted accordingly.


Quality Assurance Testing

At each step of the development process quality assurance testing is performed to ensure that we deliver the best products and services possible. This may involve using or stress testing the product or seeing if the actual service results match the expected results. The process identifies problems in the product or service before it goes live.


Project Launch & Delivery

Nothing is more exciting to us than delivering a finished project to a client and we strive to make that launch as painless a process as possible. While each project's launch is unique to its requirements, care is taken to ensure that all documentation and training is provided in advance and that continued support is maintained.